Looking for Harris-Walz yard signs?
Yard Signs
We do have Harris-Walz yard signs, but they are going very fast. Please sign-up for our emails to stay up-to-date about yards signs and volunteer activities.
Want to volunteer?
Please contact our Harris volunteer organizer to learn more about how you can get involved with the campaign:
Peter Rinehart
Office Location: 23 E Wheeling St, Washington, PA 15301
Office Hours: Monday 12-5. Tuesday - Sunday 11-8
“Jobs. Healthcare. Education. The ability to provide for your family. It’s what Democrats have always stood for, and always will.”
- Christina Proctor, Chair
Democrats in Washington County, PA, and across this great nation have a proud tradition of supporting the issues that matter most to American families. Family-sustaining wages, access to quality and affordable healthcare, and an education to prepare for the future: these are the top priorities for most Americans, and Democrats always have, and always will, work relentlessly to support these causes.