Take ACTION for Reproductive Rights

  1. If you are not registered to VOTE as a Democrat, register NOW.

    • Your vote is your power. Register or update your registration to vote as a Democrat HERE.

  2. Get educated. Republican candidates are actively taking away your rights.

    • Read the side-by-side comparison below to see how the Republican Party will take away your rights if they win in November.

  3. Educate and mobilize others in your life.

    • Make sure your sisters, nieces, and friends are registered to vote as Democrats, and educate them about where the candidates stand on this issue. Talk with the Republican women in your life about how voting Republican in this election will undermine their reproductive rights. You have knowledge and knowledge is power. USE it to educate and mobilize others.

  4. Volunteer

    • Access to abortion is on the ballot this November. If Donald Trump becomes our next President, he has pledged to sign a national abortion ban [Trump and Vance Are Calling Their Abortion Ban Something New - The Atlantic].

    • Volunteer to help elect Democrats up and down the ballot.

      • Kamala Harris for President

      • Bob Casey for US Senate

      • Chris Dziados for US House of Representatives

      • Eugene DePasquale for Attorney General

      • Ashlee Caul, Alex Taylor, Angela Girol, Drew Ross Manko, and Peter Kohnke for PA House of Representatives

    • Sign-up HERE.

  5. Donate

 Presidential Candidates’ views on Reproductive Rights

Donald Trump - REPUBLICAN

Kamala Harris - DEMOCRAT

 U.S. Senate Candidates’ views on Reproductive Rights

Dave McCormick - REPUBLICAN

Bob Casey - DEMOCRAT